Monday, February 16, 2009

Bel Canto

Another break from Laos: I am currently midway through reading Bel Canto by Ann Patchett. So far I am loving it - I'm sneaking moments to read an extra page or two when my computer is loading at work in the morning, waiting for T to put his shoes on, whenever I can.

The story centres around a birthday party in a mythical Latin American country for a wealthy Japanese industrialist. The party is overtaken by terrorists and the guests held hostage when it is discovered that the country's President has stayed home to watch his favourite soap opera.

Friendships and bonds have been forged between hostages, and I suspect they will also be with their captors. A few seeds have been planted along the way of some people falling in love, but it is done in such a way that I am continually guessing as to who the couples may turn out to be (from the dust jacket, I can confirm that two couples do in fact fall in love). I'm also looking forward to the three Generals in charge of the situation (or are they?) hopefully being further developed.

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